Anno domini mount and blade
Anno domini mount and blade

  • Replaced world map textures with new ones from World Map HD v1.2.
  • Added some HD textures from vanilla Warband (most notably the skyboxes).
  • They got buffed and each have different skills and proficiencies depending on their culture. This should provide more realistic battles and sieges with the attackers losing a equal amount or 10-30% more. Also increased siege defender bonus strength to 30% from 23%, while decreasing siege attacker strength penalty to 30% from 23%.

    anno domini mount and blade

  • Increase world map battle speed by 3x.
  • Press F5 during battle to bring a menu to adjust the settings.
  • Added "Sending troops from your party to any walled fief you own" tweak.
  • Fixed besieger archers not behaving properly in sieges (they wouldn't use their ranged weapons).
  • Fixed/Improved a few scenes (most notably added a extra ladder to the Arab town siege scene).
  • anno domini mount and blade

  • When attempting to enter a ongoing battle in the map, relations between those parties and the player will be show alongside the party's names.
  • anno domini mount and blade

    Can be turned off by following the instruction in the changelog at v1.4.

  • Horseman now have a chance (20%) of dying or getting knocked unconscious when their horse dies.
  • Thus, options like trade agreements and alliances become available at the beginning without the need to send a companion in a mission.
  • All factions will recognize player right to rule at the game start if king option selected.
  • The fugitives and the gold reward are random and based on archetypes (knights, pirates, deserters, etc).
  • Added bounty quests to tavern keepers.
  • New textures for female faces (no more ugly women!).
  • Player gains renown if he kills enough enemies in a battle (every 5 kills = +1 renown).
  • Game menus to change various things like party sizes and merchant respawn rates and item count.
  • Always choose side when joining battles.
  • NPC lords will train their parties daily with trainer skill just like player does.
  • Player can kill prisoners, excluding lords.
  • New party spawns: rogue mercenary companies, fugitive serfs and rebels (beefed up peasant rebels).
  • Factions will spawn scouts, patrols, foragers, war parties, mercenary companies.
  • Increased bolt quiver capacity to 40-45.
  • Fully translated party and troop names.
  • Change your kingdom culture and thus your troops, reinforcements and fief scene guards (you couldn't before, just the religion).
  • anno domini mount and blade

  • Cavalry that loses their horses becomes infantry.
  • Player can inspect troop and prisoner equipment.
  • KAOS Political KIT (Start as King, Prince or Vassal).
  • So i decided to release a new version with the current update containing all of 1257AD in one package. I received permission from DrThomas (one of the leading devs of 1257AD) to redistribute the whole 1257AD project. This is the successor of my Reloaded submod. I'm apologize for the crappy graphics in the screenshots.

    Anno domini mount and blade